I first started experimenting with HTML and CSS about 15 years ago. I learned by clicking around in Macromedia's Dreamweaver 4 and seeing what changed. Today, I am a front-end developer at Clockwork in Minneapolis, MN.

I spent a lot of years in retail and logistic management. That gave me a passion for business, strategy and organization. I also learned that a good idea can come from anyone on a team.

Coming also from a background in fine arts means that I have a love for beauty, good design, and an attention to detail.

As a developer at an agency, I'm often in situations where I have to explain complex concepts to a varied audience. The years that I spent teach painting at The Atelier in NE Minneapolis, working one on one with other artists, taught me how to communicate clearly with other people about very abstract, complicated concepts.

Jeffrey and Albert
Jeffrey and Albert

When not deep in the Chrome dev inspector tools at my computer, I spend my time with my 113lb yellow lab named Albert. He loves coming with me wherever I go, begging for food, and taking trips to the park.


  • WordPress
  • HubSpot COS
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • CSS Preprocessors: LESS, Sass
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Gulp
  • PHP
  • HTML Email
  • Static site generators: Jekyll, Middleman
  • GIT

A member of the HubSpot COS Advisory Board, I love learning about new technologies and solving problems for the user.

Guilding Principles

  1. At any given time, I will probably always have at least 30 tabs open in my browser — that's okay.
  2. A website is probably never done. You might have finished this version or iteration, but there is always more to do.
  3. Content on the web is the most important thing. Avoid being clever when you can be clear. And don't let visuals or technology get in the way.
  4. When people talk about redoing their website, they usually start by talking about the visual design. The bigger question is whether the current site is solving the goals of the site owner and of the people who are using it. Design should only be layered on as a tool to help guide the user to the content.
  5. How we build stuff for the web now will not be how we will do it in the very near future. Things change fast and we have to embrace learning.

I am a graduate from MCTC’s web and interactive media program. Always looking for new challenges, I am excited to continue to learn and grow as part of a dynamic team.