MN Menswear

A responsive website with
an eye for men's fashion.

MN Menswear is an informational site taking an independent look at shopping for men's clothing in Minnesota. The site lists out local stores organized into categories based on how you'd wear the clothes.

MN Menswear hover | Jeffrey Smith MN Menswear hover | Jeffrey Smith

The home page is organized into three different categories. I used jQuery to dynamically resize the category images to match the height of the thumbnail store grid.

CSS3 animations and jQuery were used to create the effect on hover. Mobile versions do not show feature the hover effect. Instead, the call to action button is shown when the page loads.

MN Menswear mobile | Jeffrey Smith
MN Menswear | navigation

The website blends Libre Baskerville, a beautiful serif, and Varela Round, a san-serif font from Google Fonts. MN Menswear use of custom icons embedded as SVGs.

The Result

For the final version of the website, I customized the Twitter Bootstrap Framework.

I used PHP to reuse common page elements and to organize the pages into a flat folder structure.

MN Menswear | Jeffrey Smith

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