MCTC | Eclipse

Eclipse is the theme for the 2014 MCTC Apparel Technologies spring fashion show. The process began with a single word, eclipse. Print designer, Rhia Brutger, and I were tasked with the challenge of building eclipse from a vague concept and general mood into a full campaign to support the spring fashion event.

eclipse sketchbook | Jeffrey Smith

The story really began by meeting with the Apparel Technologies students and faculty. They had a theme — eclipse — but they seemed unsure about what that actually meant. Our mission became helping the class get clear about their collective mission.

Eclipse: multiple bodies align to create a celestial event. Eleven designers with distinct perspectives converge to showcase their visions in a unique fashion event.
eclipse sketchbook | Jeffrey Smith

Once we had a direction to move towards, we began the process of designing. I started by researching — looking for inspiration through word definitions and imagery associated with the word eclipse.

eclipse logo | Jeffrey Smith eclipse logo | Jeffrey Smith
eclipse logo | Jeffrey Smith

The Result

eclipse iPad | Jeffrey Smith
Jeffrey Smith

For the final version of the website, I built a custom, responsive grid using the Bourbon CSS framework and Neat — a lightweight semantic grid mixin library for Sass and Bourbon.

The designer's information has been organized into a flat-file structure. Designer pages are generated dynamically using PHP

eclipse | Jeffrey Smith

up next:


2014 MCTC Photography Portfolio Show